
Sell Solar-Energy to your Tenants!

Our Vision is, that everyone can profit from the energy transation. Let us change the future together and join the energy revolution now.

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Check out the way landlords and tenants benefit from cheap PV electricity from the roof!

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Meet, our landlord Thomas!

Thomas wanted to build a PV plant on his roof so that he can sell the electricity to his tenants for a fair price. Mieterstrom was too complicated for Thomas to manage so he didnt act on the idea. However with HeliosConnect he could realize this project without a hassle and now he benefits from an additional revenue stream.

Meet, our tenant Gisela!

Gisela is a tenant in a multi family home and she wanted to benefit from cheap electricity from her roof like so many people in single family homes. The problem was she doesn’t really know her landlord or the housing association and it would be umcomfortable to approach them. Luckily with HeliosConnect she found a company that would approach those parties and give them holistic information about the topic. Now she also benefits from cheap electricity from her roof!

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Our HeliosConnect platform offers an easy solution for contracting, metering and invoicing.

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Consumption Monitoring

Always have an overview of the consumption, production and performance of your photovoltaik system.

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Manual metering once a month to ensure correct invoices? Not with us and our fully automated metering in 15 minute intervals!
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We all know Germany is a beaurocratic mess. Keep your efforts low with our automated invoicing workflow.

Contract Management

Keeping contracts neatly organized in your cabinet? What’s next? Sending a Fax to your 20-year-old tenant?

Contributing to the energy transition

We think providing clean energy locally shouldn’t be a hassle. That’s why our vision is to keep your workload as small as possible while keeping your PV Systems’ yield as high as possible.


We bring your PV System from concept to up-and-running in no time with our professional consultation.


HeliosConnect is a software company that specializes in the development of software for the energy sector. Our goal is to make the energy transition accessible to everyone.



Robinienstraße 29

80935 Munich


© 2024 HeliosConnect